
Helpless Black American Deserves Justice | Excusing the Abuse of Black Americans to Make a Profit | U.S. Laws Violated by Senator Uzamere | Nigerian Laws Violated by Senator Uzamere | Ignored by Federal Agencies | Ignored by Nigerian Government | Can You Help Us? | ¿Puede usted ayudarnos? | Pouvez-Vous Nous Aider? | Potete aiutarli? | Pode Você Ajudar-Nos? | Konnen Sie Uns Helfen? | Kunt u ons helpen? | Kan du hjalpa oss? | Can You Help Us? (Russian) | Can You Help Us? (Greek) | Can You Help Us? (Arabic) | Can You Help Us? (simplified Chinese) | Can You Help Us? (Korean) | Can You Help Us? (Japanese) | U.S. Selling of Her Citizens' Rights | Some Words From The Victim | Guestbook

U.S. Foreign Policy, Nigerian Oil and the Selling of Citizens' Rights
The Buggering of America/Black Women by/for Nigeria's Crude
(Pun Intended)

While John Q. Public was paying thousands of dollars for Senator Ehigie Edobor Uzamere's daughter's food stamps, Medicaid, and later, foster care bills, Senator Uzamere was working off the books, receiving thousands of dollars in government grants and federal student loans to go to college to become an architect. However, Senator Uzamere never paid even one cent to financially support his daughter. Furthermore, not only was he never caught, his name never even hit the New York City's Child Support Bureau's "radar" as not paying child support -- even though I gave the agency both his real name and his fictitious name.

The American public is indignant -- and rightfully so, when non-foreign African American men rut like bulls in heat, only to abandon their financial responsibilities when it comes to caring for their children. The United States government brings its full might to bear to enforce the payment of child support by non-foreign African American men, going so far as to jail them if they refuse to comply with state law regarding child support. However, in the case of Senator Uzamere, the U.S. government did not do the same when I filed complaint after complaint regarding him? Why is that?

In a word – oil. Senator Uzamere comes from a country that produces a product that is in high demand in the United States. Factories need oil to run their machines. Homes need to keep warm in the wintertime. U.S. drivers, the owners of 8-cylinder-gas-guzzling monstrosities that rival crack heads for their expensive addiction, are willing to pay any price to ensure that their petrol habit is satiated. Therefore, in order to ensure that the flow of oil from these countries meets with little to no resistance, the desires of the rulers of countries that produce oil must also be satiated.

One who decides to be a slave to an addiction will generally not put up much of a fight with the supplier of the product to which one is addicted. America has chosen to be addicted to petrol. In exchange for America's addictions, she has relegated herself to the unenviable position of "petrol whore."

Has the United States made a deal with countries like Nigeria to allow her highly ethnocentric male citizens unfettered access to "visit" the United States? Does she know that the primary way in which these men turn their temporary legal visits into permanent legal residence is by scamming American women -- predominately non-foreign black American women into marriages for permanent residence? Has anyone ever questioned the United States government's past immigration records to determine why there is a disproportionately high percentage of non-foreign African American women who are married, then abandoned by Nigeria men? Lastly, has anyone ever questioned whether the same highly ethnocentric group of attorneys/judges who facilitate the sponsorship/divorce process for one Nigerian man is the same for a disproportionately high percentage of Nigerian men, and if so, why this has not be investigated?

While these may be questions for an attorney who is an expert on RICO laws, one thing is certain: there are entirely too many non-foreign African American women and children who have been abandoned by Nigerian men for it to be just a coincidence.

Until these questions are answered, until justice is done, non-foreign African American women like myself will continue to be disposable "schvartzes" who are used as fodder by Nigerians and other highly ethnocentric men who come from countries that produce a product to which Americans are "addicted." Like many Nigerians, they will form RICO-like alliances with politically-connected immigration attorney/divorce-attorney/divorce-judge-mobs to deprive non-foreign African American women of our right not to be victimized by tricked into criminal activity and our right to real, just due process if we are.



Mrs. Cheryl D. Uzamere
Wife of Senator Ehigie Edobor Uzamere
Victim of Senator Uzamere and the American Justice Sysem
1209 Loring Avenue
Apartment 6B
Brooklyn, NY  11208
Tel.: (718) 647-8370
Fax: (267) 543-3317